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Keywords e.g. warehousing
Qualification Code e.g. 600/5640/X
Keywords e.g. warehousing
Unit Code e.g. Y/505/4889
Open Awards Unit ID e.g. CBF498
Keywords e.g. warehousing
Open Awards Unit Code e.g. UA33ART12
Open Awards Unit ID e.g. CBF521


Quals (3)

Business Hero Award

Join us in celebrating all the hard and meaningful work our CEO does to make Open Awards what is it. Heather Akehurst is up for the Business Hero Award for the SME National Business Awards 2020. This…

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Quals (2) (2)


We are inviting anyone from the SEN sector to join us via Microsoft Teams to discuss what we are all doing to ensure SEN learners are the best education they can at this time.

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