At Open Awards, we want to make sure that Access to HE providers have all the modules and units they need to be able to deliver Access to HE Diploma courses that give learners the knowledge and skills they need to progress onto their chosen Higher Education course. In the past year, we have added a number of new subjects to our Diploma pathways and we are continuing to do so. One of our newest subject areas is Performing Arts.
Performing Arts is a qualification that not only allows the learner to express themselves creatively it allows them to build fitness, stamina, confidence and self-belief. The Performing Arts qualification provides skills that can lead to different career branches within the sector.
- Self-presentation, Self-awareness, Self-discipline
- Open-mindedness
- Freedom of expression
- Experimentation of ideas
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Time management and organisational skills
- Communication skills
Study and Career Paths
The first images that come to mind when thinking of Performing Arts is stage, screen, fame and fortune. But for those who love the world of performing arts and don’t want to join the ranks of celebrity the qualification allows the learner to branch out and study for an array of different careers with the Performing Arts world.
- Arts Educator
- Teach, inspire and develop creative abilities among students of all skill levels.
- Theatre Manager
- Plan programmes/schedules, book acts, production crew, and run all aspects of the day-to-day demands of a theatre.
- Stage Manager
- Be the heart of the back-stage buzz. Manage rehearsals, actors, technicians, props and costume fittings, and ensure the smooth running of productions with front of house staff and the director.
- Creative Technologies
- Deliver content for film, TV, theatre and concerts by script writing, directing, production or lighting for dramatic performance.
- Design and Technology
- Areas including lighting, Computer Assisted Design (CAD), and set and costume design and construction.
- Sound Technology
- Develops your skills in recorded sound, live sound and post-production.
- Dramatherapist
- Use performing arts activities to encourage clients to express themselves in ways which help them overcome their social or personal difficulties
Work Experience
Many students are highly recommended to supplement their training, generate opportunities and enhance their knowledge through work experience and by participating in voluntary projects and the world of Performing Arts is no different, in fact, work experience and volunteering in performing arts is a must. The most likely organisations to accept volunteers are;
- Local Theatre Groups
- Drama Clubs
- Dance Troupes
- Schools/Education Centres
- Art Projects
Career Expectations
A career in performing arts is an exciting, challenging and rewarding. Graduates of Performing Arts can expect;
Salaries are varied as it depends on the career path of choice. Most likely the work will be short-term or freelance contracts and temporary contract work, working on projects for a set amount of time.
Travelling to and attending auditions, creating opportunities through networking, collaborating, putting on shows, self-promotion and shelf-presentation are all vital necessities when it comes to gaining work within the Performing Arts sector.
The most typical employers of performing arts graduates include;
- Local Government
- Arts Organisations
- Education Institutions
- National Health Service (NHS)
- Leisure Companies
- Voluntary Organisations
Like any career there are a number of pros and cons attached;
- Energetic and exciting work
- Travel
- Fantastic work colleagues
- University degree placements are very competitive
- Unpaid and Voluntary work needed to gain employment
- Salaries tend to be quite low, usually starting minimum wage
If a career in Performing Arts is for you and you would like to know more about the qualification, where runs it and anything else we can help with, then please get in touch with us at [email protected], call us on 0151 494 2072.