Two key attributes which can certainly set you up to achieve success in any walk of life are consistency and productivity. Acquiring and maintaining good working habits that enable you to get things done effectively will not only help you perform better, it'll significantly reduce pressure too!
Everyone needs a little motivation on a Monday from time to time and as it also happens to be World Productivity Day, we thought it would be the perfect time to share our 5 top tips on staying productive...
- Make A To Do List/Plan For The Day
In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Having a plan set out for your day will provide you with organisation and direction. Outlining and prioritising your tasks will help you manage your time efficiently which in turn, boosts productivity!
Make sure that your To Do list is realistic and easy to follow so that at the end of the day, you can see the progress you've made. This will also offer a base to work off when planning for the next day.
- Set Small Goals For Tasks
At first glance, tasks can often seem difficult on the surface but if you break them down into smaller segments, they suddenly become less daunting and easier to complete. Try to see each sub section as a building block to completing the overall project.
- Focus On One Thing At A Time
Focusing on multiple things at once or multitasking, may help you get more done but despite your best efforts, it could also make you less productive. If the brain is constantly trying to keep up with more than one thing, it will eventually become fatigued having a negative effect on your motivation and ability to complete tasks properly.
- Find Time For A Walk/Exercise
Exercise increases blood flow to the brain which in turn, improves awareness and concentration, this will help with whatever tasks you need to carry out throughout the day. Exercise also produces endorphins which: make you feel good, raise energy levels and boost motivation!
- Take Breaks
If we push our brains for too long, we'll begin to feel tired and eventually lose concentration. Taking a break once in a while will help to maintain motivation and leave you feeling refreshed and ready to return to tasks with a renewed focus.
We hope that you enjoyed this post and find our top tips on staying productive useful. If you're an Open Awards Provider and you would like some assistance with curriculum planning or anything else, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We also have a number of FAQs pages available on our website for both Providers and Learners that you may find helpful.