8.6 million working age adults have low basic skills – we break down the Survey of Adult Skills
Yesterday, the release of the Survey of Adult Skills highlighted the clear need for adult functional skills in the UK.
According to the report, approximately 8.6 million working-age adults are currently performing below level 1 in literacy and numeracy.
To break it down even further:
- 18% of UK adults have low literacy skills.
- 21% of UK adults have low numeracy skills.
- 21% of UK adults have low problem-solving skills.
This highlights a clear disparity in skills across the UK. And, with ethnicity, socioeconomics and computer experience linked to low proficiency, this is an accessibility issue.
How can we make learning accessible to all groups?
It is worth noting that literacy and numeracy skills do not just affect career prospects or economic opportunities, but they are associated with a person’s quality of life. The report details how higher education correlates to greater life satisfaction and health status. Therefore, those with from minority ethic and socioeconomic groups are not just disadvantaged at work, but in all aspects of their lives.
We want to change that. Together we can provide adults with the skills they need to thrive at work and at home.
Our functional skills qualifications are tailored to your learners needs. With a range of flexible options, our courses are designed for learner functionality.
Find out how you can offer our functional skills courses here.