In order to provide addition information and support to our SEND Providers, we host periodic SEND Forums.
These Forums are designed to bring together like minded SEND professionals, regardless of their role in their organisation – to listen and discuss topical issues, highlight new initiatives and share best practice.
Forums are for one hour and purposefully arranged at 4.00pm to allow delegates to attend outside their committed teaching hours.
Delegates are able to hear first-hand from active practitioners, interact with fellow delegates, share resources and any presentation / guest speaker slides are distributed.
The next two Forums are scheduled for:
* 30th November 2023 - Vocabulary and closing the word gap with Chatty Learning
* 7th December 2023 - External Work Placements – part of the People First Learners Hospitality Programme.
Peter Steel, Open Awards Business Development Manager says, ‘These Forums are a great way to connect those working in a SEND setting – creating an opportunity in which to discuss themes that will enhance the planning and delivery of programmes and activities that will support Learners to progress into further study, employment or independence. By engaging active practitioners to front each Forum, we are able to present first-hand knowledge and experience that is current and relevant’.
The Forums are free, open to current or potential Providers and can be booked here.
We also offer free, dedicated curriculum planning sessions as a follow-up option. Book your session by visiting: https://calendly.com/peters-curriculum/60min or https://calendly.com/kayleigh-curriculum/curriculum-growth