Last week we headed over to Stockport and Pure Innovations to pick up a most excellent piece of artwork. The sculpture in question will be well known to Liverpudlians as they have adorned the city for over 10 years now and become a part of the scenery. The SuperLambanana was commissioned for the city in conjunction with European Capital of Culture, which Liverpool was back in 2008 and now Open Awards have one due to the amazing work from the amazing artists of Pure Innovations. However, the sculpture that takes pride of place in our office reception is much better than your average SuperLambana as it is a “SuperDuperLambanana”!
During our visit, we had the pleasure of meeting the artists Graham Hall, Emma Wilkinson and Val Marland. We heard all about the process, hard work and above all, the fun that went into creating such a great piece of artwork.
We would once like to express our thanks and appreciation to all involved who made the SuperDuperLambanana so super duper.
Pure Innovations have been working with Open Awards for nearly 10 years now and it was just fantastic to see our Employment Skills for the Creative and Cultural Industries qualification in action.
Alongside Employment Skills for the Creative and Cultural Industries, Pure Innovation also provides our Independent Living and Travel Training suites. Check them and all of the other amazing and life-changing products we have on offer here.