Our very own Product Development Manager, Julie Goodwin attended Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) - Supported Internship ConferenceFor North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber in Wigan on 31st January 2020. Julie wrote up a little piece about the event, please have read below.
Are you getting started with Supported Internships or feel like you need support in delivering them? This conference could be for you! Bringing together in one room employers, funders and other colleagues this is a practical conference. Its aim is to equip and connect delegates.
With great speakers including Ian Tully (DfE). Ian spoke of the Government's commitment to the scheme and listened to the concerns raised for its ongoing success.
There were fantastic examples of successful internships from Project Search and others. It was great to have two Interns present and speaking so confidently of the positive impact of Internships. They were definitely the highlight of the conference!
It was great to hear of the support offered by:
Transforming Care Partnership (TCP) - Madeleine Lowry spoke of funding available in supporting staff training.
Health Education England (HEE) - Alyson Goldwater reiterated their commitment to offering placements and how these could turn into longer-term employment. Also, the benefits that interns bring to employers. These include loyalty (less time off) and work rate (which can often be higher than long term staff). Benefits to other members of staff were positive and enabled a more inclusive approach to other staff and patients.
DWP - and Michael Mainon from DWP talking about Access to Work, and their commitment to "always look to include people, rather than turning them away."
The final session of the day grouped delegates together into local areas so that employers and providers could network and make real connections.
The event was a great success, led the PfA team of Barry Jones (North West) and Pat Bullen (North East). Their passion and practical support valued. And, as always, it was a pleasure to meet up with colleagues from The Russett School, Liverpool City Council and Abbott's Lea.
For more help and support, join our SEN Networking Sessions or visit PfA for more inspiration and conferences across the country.
Preparing for Adulthood is a programme funded by the Department for Education and delivered by National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi), as part of the Developing Better Outcomes Together consortium with Mott MacDonald and Council for Disabled Children.