Last December, we held our virtual Employee of the Year Awards with four Open Awards colleagues receiving some very well deserved accolades for their fantastic efforts throughout 2021.
Access to HE and Marketing Manager Rachel Newman picked up the Customer Service Award, Quality and Standards Advisor Maria Karsa scooped the Happy Award whilst EQA Manager Jen Davies and Operations Manager Paul Henderson-Griffiths shared the Employee of the Year Award.
As we approach the summer months, a time synonymous with celebrating success and achievement throughout the education sector, we thought it would be fitting to catch up with our winners. In this post, Jen Davies and Rachel Newman have kindly taken some time out to share a few words and a snap of their prestigious awards.
"I was really pleased to win employee of the year 2021. I have worked at Open Awards since March 2020, firstly as an EQA Reviewer and now as the EQA Manager on the IfATE contract and it is great to be recognised for the work that myself and the wider team have carried out. Working at Open Awards means working together, so I could not have received the employee of the year award without the support and help of others."
"I am delighted to be the current winner of the 'Customer Service Award' and like to remind colleagues of my statue every day! As cheesy as it sounds, for me, I don't focus on delivering the best customer service, I focus on people and meetings their needs. I'm lucky that I am in a role that I absolutely love and I'm very lucky to work with such amazing Open Awards colleagues and providers so chatting and supporting the people I work with comes easily to me!"
Congratulations once again to Jen and Rachel on your amazing achievements. In Part 2, we'll be hearing from Maria and Paul so watch this space!