Open Awards and Northampton College have been working together to change lives through learning since 2015. The college delivers a number of our qualifications and the Level 1 Diploma in Skills for Further Learning and Employment has been particularly successful this year.
Adult students with a wide range of experiences of education and life came together for a full time, one year course, aimed at providing them with everything they need to progress on to study at higher levels or find more advanced employment. Alongside their studies, the students also completed fundraising activities and volunteered with a local charity, gaining key workplace skills as well as giving something back to the community.
This year, all the students on the course successfully completed all the assignments and achieved their diploma. Many of them passed Functional Skills exams at Level 1 or Level 2 at the same time. All of the students are progressing on to further studies this year, at either level 2 or level 3; 92% are doing GCSE in at least 1 subject.
The students kept listing things that the course had helped them with that they used in everyday life. Time management and creating a CV both came high up on the list. Another said that the main thing he would take away was the knowledge he had gained about himself, knowing that he could keep going with any task that was given to him.
Talking to the students, their academic achievements are only one part of what they will take away with them. One student said it was “Challenging yet rewarding,” delighted that it had given her the understanding to help her kids with their maths homework, as well as helping her to progress herself. She will be doing both English and Maths GCSEs this year. Another described the course as the “Best experience ever. This course has given me the courage to pursue my dreams further.”
For further information on this and other Diplomas, we offer please click here
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