Now in its 12th year, the national Access to HE student prize, in memory of Keith Fletcher, formerly of Open College South West Region and a keen advocate of Access to HE, has once again produced a group of very worthy candidates.
The nominations have now been scrutinised by a panel of judges from each participating Access Validating Agency (AVA) and a winner and a runner-up has been chosen in each category. There are two categories ‘Outstanding Academic Achievement’ and ‘Outstanding Commitment to Study’.
At Open Awards we are delighted that one of our learners studying at Bury College has been selected as the winner of the Outstanding Commitment to Study!
Vicky McClymont (Open Awards Access to HE Coordinator) notes how Kelly demonstrated 'exemplary dedication to her studies in the face of incredible trauma experienced over such a short period of time. Kelly’s key objective was to “do more to better her life”. We feel as though this simple statement carries such weight and is a testament to wanting to strive to be better, have more to offer, and to feel pride in achieving. Kelly’s story is a heartfelt yet determined example of what many of our Access to HE learners go through in order to achieve and succeed. Kelly epitomizes what adult learning is all about - commitment, dedication and determination.'
Bury College have commented 'We are extremely proud of Kellie’s excellent achievement against all the odds. She embodies and exceeds everything about a great adult learner. She was always eager to learn, committed to the Access course and always went above and beyond to support others in the group. This commitment never waned even in the most difficult time and her resilience shone through.
She has been an inspiration to the Access team as well as her peers and is very well deserving of this award.'
A HUGE well done to Kelly! We are all so proud of you!