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Open Awards Unit ID e.g. CBF498
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Open Awards Unit Code e.g. UA33ART12
Open Awards Unit ID e.g. CBF521

New Access to HE Diplomas to support learners progress to Nursing and Health professions

Open Awards is pleased to announce the approval of two new Access to HE qualifications: Access to HE Diploma (Nursing) and Access to HE Diploma (Health Professions).

Both qualifications are valid for delivery from September 2024, and adhere to the new QAA subject descriptor for Nursing and Health Professions.  For the 2024/25 academic year, Open Awards will be running these qualifications in the approved pilot year, with wide release in the 2025/26 academic year.

The release of the subject descriptor for Nursing and Health Professions is an exciting development for qualifications sitting under the Health and Social Care sector, as it will not only provide parity between all learners studying on subject descriptor-compliant qualifications but will also provide opportunities for students that support specific progression routes into undergraduate study.

Developing these new qualifications has been done so with the best interests of our learners at the heart of all our decision making.  Learners obtaining a qualification aligned to the new subject descriptor can be assured that the Diploma will meet minimum entry requirements for progression to nursing and health professions, and assurance can also be provided to HEI admissions staff that learners studying a Subject Descriptor compliant Diploma will have covered the same minimum level of subject content.

Qualification content

One of the most important factors for Open Awards when developing new qualifications is the element of flexibility.  Working with providers up and down the country, we understand that a “one size fits all” approach does not work.  Geographically, providers and HEIs alike will have ever so slightly different course and entry requirements, and this is reflected through the selection and combination of units across all provider programmes. 

With particular reference to the subject descriptor for Nursing and Health Professions, whilst there are mandatory elements for inclusion, we have still been able to offer providers no fewer than 80 different units for selection.  This will ensure that not only will every programme be compliant with the requirements of the subject descriptor, but providers can build a programme which is truly reflective of their learner needs, but also that of local HEIs and admissions criteria.

If you are interested in delivering a subject descriptor-compliant qualification in either Access to HE Diploma (Nursing) or Access to HE Diploma (Health Professions) please contact Access to HE Development Manager, Vicky McClymont ([email protected]) for more information.

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