As a student myself, I know that learning a new course can be full on and hard to adapt to; so, as part of my Tuesday Twitter Takeover, I thought that I would share my favourite tips on studying that have helped me throughout my course...
Have a dedicated study space
Although spending the day completing work tasks from the comfort of the sofa sounds like an ideal plan, it's not always the best way to motivate your studies! Having a space away from anywhere you see as a ‘chill zone’ is the best way to motivate yourself. Ensure that your work space is quiet and free from distractions. As tempting as it may be to scroll through Instagram or buy the latest trending item on Tik Tok, leave your phone in another room. This means that at the end of the day, you can look forward to putting your feet back up!
Take notes
The temptations to zone out when listening to your tutor in the classroom, or in the modern day, pressing mute on that video lecture can be great but don't seem like good ideas when you realise that you actually need to get the grades. By tuning in and taking notes as you go, it promotes active thinking and keeps your brain awake. Write these notes in your own words so that you fully understand what they mean. It will make life much simpler when you need to refer back to them!
Don’t feel bad for taking a day off
Sometimes having a lot to do can seem like there’s no time to take a day off or leave you feeling guilty. But having a day to yourself in-between workloads will help to reduce stress and leave you feeling re-energised and motivated to carry on. Sometimes, forcing yourself to carry on when you need a break will see you doing less overall!
Make sure it's something you really want to do
It took me a few career path changes to fully realise what I wanted to do. I started out in health and social care, only to realise it wasn’t for me, so now my career is heading completely in the opposite direction as a digital marketer. I thought that I had to get my whole life sorted straight after leaving school, but it turns out that going to university later on has been much better for me and makes the stress of studies worth it, because I have taken my time to realise what I enjoy!
And an extra top tip - always remember WHY you started!