Yesterday was a bitter sweet today at Open Awards as we held our Annual General Meeting and looked back at the last 12 months. This was a chance to celebrate all the learners who have achieved Open Awards qualifications and courses, and all the training providers that support them through their education programmes.
It was also a chance to say a huge thank you to 5 Trustees that will be leaving Open Awards for their years of dedicated service:
Kieran Gordon who remained a Trustee for the first year of his retirement to help steer Open Awards whilst we recruited new Trustees, but now moves to continue his formal ‘retirement’ and Grandfather duties.
David Tilley who has been a trusted source of help for us in his passion to improve learning for offenders. He gives us his time and wisdom on a regular basis and has kindly offered to continue this through his sterling committee work.
Gordon Laing who has been an ever steady and constant presence since my time at Open Awards. A stalwart of our Access to HE work on the Board, in the A2HEC and not least for his work on the amazing Keith Fletcher awards.
Adrian Bevin who has brought a vast wealth of experience as South Devon College have themselves developed into new areas and so we have been able to benefit from his, and their, experiences.
Gill Mason who has provided guidance and expertise with FE and particularly Apprenticeships in the Early Years sector. She was an integral part of our Functional Skills reforms and the diversification of Open Awards over the last few years.
However, to quote our previous Chair of the Board of Trustees – no-one ever leaves.
Heather Akehurst, CEO said
“The Trustee Board continues to provide guidance and constructive challenge and we thank you for your time and support within the Board and Committee structure and the many informal methods we use. Particular thanks to our Committee members who put in a lot of hard work to inform all that we do – it’s greatly appreciated. Welcome to our new Trustees at a real crossroads for skills and education.”
Gordon Laing commented on his ten years as a Trustee and Access to HE Committee Chair:
“It’s been a highlight of my professional career to be a Trustee of open awrads and I can’t believe that ten years has passed by…. I shall miss Open Awards. The friendliness, the professionalism and the cutting edge at which the organisation is, and how it’s grown and transformed and prospered over the last decade. That has been incredible. Changing lives through learning is at the very core of everyone in this organisation.”
Both the Chair of Trustees, Nicky Mailey, and Heather thanked all the Open Awards teams:
“As ever none of what we do is possible without them and I pay tribute to their hard work and loyalty…”
with Nicky also thanking Heather for her excellent leadership over the last 12 months and her unwavering commitment to both Open Awards and the wider education and third sector.
We look forward to the next 12 months at Open Awards as we continue to focus on the role we play as a charity, awarding organisation, end-point assessment organisation and Access Validating Agency, in support our centres and learners and ultimately, changing lives through learning.