We have an important update to share on the changes to the off-the-job training requirements for apprenticeships from 1st August 2022 which will be of interest to employers, providers and apprentices. These changes are detailed within the latest apprenticeship funding rules (2022 to 2023) but only apply to new apprentice starts from 1st August 2022.
Apprentices who started prior to 1st August 2022 are required to train for a minimum of 20% of their working hours. However, for full-time apprentices starting on or after 1st August 2022, the minimum number of off-the-job training hours is no longer linked to working hours. Instead, the minimum number of hours is calculated using a consistent figure of six (6) hours per week, irrespective of the hours worked by the apprentice.
The funding rules emphasise that this change must not dilute the existing requirement to provide the right level of training to every apprentice. This training must be guided by the initial assessment of the apprentice and may mean that an apprentice trains for more than six (6) hours per week.
However, the minimum off-the-job training requirement for part-time apprentices remains unchanged (i.e. 20% of their normal working hours over an extended duration).
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) have recently updated their supplementary guidance for how employers and training providers should meet the off-the-job training requirements for an apprenticeship to reflect these changes.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] and we will be happy to clarify how these changes may impact our gateway checks.