As the 2024/25 academic year starts, we are taking the opportunity to highlight three key changes to apprenticeship funding rules from 1st August 2024. At Open Awards, we have reviewed our End-point Assessment Gateway procedures to make sure we are ready to respond to these changes. If you have any questions about how these changes may impact you or your apprentices, please contact the team on [email protected].
Important English & maths equivalency change from 1st August 2024
The rule (equivalent gradings) within the 24-25 Apprenticeship Funding Rules (paragraph 38.1.1) has been updated to reflect the latest gov.uk guidance. The change clarifies that GCSE grade D to G / 3 to 1 are equivalent to a Level 1 qualification and therefore apprentices holding these grades have met the requirement to hold a Level 1 in English and maths. This change will apply to both new starts from 1 August 2024 and apprentices who are currently on-programme. Open Awards will automatically apply this equivalency change for any apprentices required to hold a Level 1 in English and maths who have a gateway date on or after 1st August 2024.
New English & maths flexibility arrangements from 1st August 2024
The 24-25 Apprenticeship Funding Rules have been updated (paragraph 45) to confirm that where an apprentice has a learning difficulty or disability (regardless of whether they have been issued with an EHC plan or equivalent) which is a barrier to them achieving the English and/or maths requirements, providers should consider whether they should be offered the flexibility to achieve Entry Level 3 functional skills in the adjusted subject(s). Eligibility for this flexibility should be determined by an appropriate professional undertaking a thorough and evidence-based assessment of their learning difficulty or disability (paragraph 46.1). This change will apply to both new starts from 1 August 2024 and apprentices who are currently on-programme. Where this new flexibility is applied, Open Awards will require evidence of this assessment to be submitted for any apprentices with a gateway date on or after 1st August 2024.
Overseas qualification comparability evidence change from 1st August 2024
The 24-25 Apprenticeship Funding Rules have been updated (paragraph 97.3) to confirm that the cost of assessing the comparable UK level of overseas qualifications (e.g. via UK ENIC) is an ineligible cost. Open Awards requires qualification comparability evidence to be submitted at gateway alongside evidence of qualification achievement where overseas qualifications are presented.