Open Awards recently received the wonderful news that a former Access to HE learner from Stockport College, Romit Laud has joined QAA as its new student member. Romit studied the Access to HE Diploma in Social Sciences at Stockport College in 2019. Since graduating he is studying Psychology at Durham University.
Open Awards and Stockport College have been working together for several years so it is great to hear this fantastic success story. We asked Programme Leader of Access to HE Diplomas at the Trafford College Group, Dr Andy Scott about Romit’s achievement. Here’s what he had to say;
“We're delighted that Romit has been offered the position of Student Member of the Access Recognition and Licensing Committee. From the moment he enrolled on the Access to HE Diploma, it was clear to his tutors that Romit was a particularly enthusiastic and dedicated student. This role with the QAA is clear recognition of his commitment to boost awareness of Access Diplomas and to help others follow in his footsteps. Hearing about the success stories of our past students is always highly encouraging for the college and particularly for those staff who worked directly with a student. Finding out how far an individual has progressed (and how quickly!) is very rewarding. In addition, sharing such stories with current and prospective students can be highly motivational.”
Dr Scott went to explain the amazing and life-changing aspects of the Access to HE Diplomas we provide;
“Access to HE Diplomas are literally life-changing. Whether the student missed out on the chance to go to university after school, has had a rethink about long-term career plans, or has decided to pursue higher education for personal development reasons, Access is the quickest and most appropriate route into Higher Education.
I've been managing Access to HE courses since 2006 and in that time around 1500 students have passed through the Access diplomas at the college, and on into Higher Education. Every one of those students was an individual, with their own personal life story. Being able to help the students write such a significant chapter in that life story is what makes so many tutors want to teach on Access Diplomas.”
Details of all the Access Diplomas on offer at the Trafford College Group are available here and here.
Everyone at Open Awards sends a massive congratulations to Romit for his new position with QAA and wish him the best of luck in his continuing studies.