Awarding and Certification
Recommending Learners for Credit - Open Awards uses Direct Entry of Results (DER), which is an online mechanism for claiming credit for your learners.
Credits are claimed through the Open Awards Secure Portal. For full guidance on this process please refer to the Secure Portal Guidance.
Tutors are responsible for ensuring the recommendation of award is accurately claimed for each learner. Credit must only be recommended when a learner has achieved all of the learning outcomes for a unit.
If a learner has previously been awarded credit for the unit(s) the unit cannot be re-awarded (Please note; there is no requirement to mark learners as “not achieved” as this will be logged automatically by default).
If a unit is to be exempted for a learner in line with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, the centre should contact Open Awards at the point of registration.
For more information, please visit our Centre Handbook or watch the video tutorial.