Access to HE Funding
Funding the Access to HE Diploma course
From September 2016 eligible learners aged 19+ can apply for an Advanced Learning Loan to cover the cost of tuition for their course.
Uniquely to Access to HE, if the learner then goes onto study a Higher Education course, upon successful completion of their degree course, the loan for their Access Diploma will be written off. In this scenario, it means that the learner in effect gets their course for free! Other courses where you can receive the Advanced Learning Loan don’t get this facility which makes Access to HE a particularly attractive proposition.
Alternatively, if the learner does not go on to complete a HE qualification after their Access to HE Diploma they will need to pay back the loan (plus interest) when they finish the course and earn more than £21,000 a year at a rate of 9% of any income they earn over this amount.
See how the Advanced Learner Loans benefits these three learners: