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Open Awards Unit ID e.g. CBF498
Keywords e.g. warehousing
Open Awards Unit Code e.g. UA33ART12
Open Awards Unit ID e.g. CBF521

Introducing The Open Awards Academic Study Skills Suite

The new academic year is here and with it, a perfect opportunity to introduce the Open Awards Academic Study Skills suite. Throughout this post, we'll be taking a look at who this qualification has been created for, the various modules included within the suite, expected learning outcomes and how providers can access it via our eLearning shop front. 

So without further ado, let's dive straight in...

Who has the Academic Study Skills Suite been created for?

Whether you're coming straight from college or following the completion of an Access to HE diploma, the transition to university can be a little daunting, particularly when those first few assignment briefs are handed out. Critically analyse, write an essay, create a report, deliver a presentation...they come in all shapes and sizes! From personal experience, taking the time early on to learn the correct way to compare, contrast and reference academic sources will also stand learners in good stead to succeed. 

With that in mind, the Open Awards Academic Study Skills suite is designed to support learners who are currently in Further or Higher Education and those returning to university study in the near future; providing them with the necessary attributes for degree level study. 

Modules included within the Academic Study Skills Suite

The suite comprises of seven modules, accessible via the Open Awards eLearning Shop both individually and as a complete collection depending on the provider's preference. In total, there are approximately thirty interactive activities and learning games, along with videos and takeaway handouts which learners can keep for future reference. Upon completion of each module, they will receive an electronic certificate. 

Modules can be completed in any order and cover the following topics: 

  • Referencing and Plagiarism  
  • Presentation Skills       
  • Academic Essay Writing          
  • Study Skills      
  • Report Writing  
  • Critical Analysis  
  • Setting Targets and Reflective Practice 

We'll now explore each module in a little more detail...

Referencing and Plagiarism 

The Referencing and Plagiarism module focuses on developing an understanding of the issues and risks of plagiarism and the importance of referencing sources when doing any academic study. The module is divided into the following sections and learning outcomes:  

  • Section 1 | Understanding Plagiarism  
  • Section 2 | Understanding Referencing  
  • Section 3 | Next Steps 

Learning Outcomes:  

  1. Identify different types of plagiarism and be able to spot the correct citing of quotes.  
  2. Use Harvard in-text and source referencing format for books, websites and journals. 

Presentation Skills 

The Presentation Skills module teaches learners how to prepare and deliver a presentation to a specific audience. The skills which they'll develop in this module will come in very handy with their studies and potentially, in employment further down the line. The module is divided into the following sections and learning outcomes:    

Section 1 | Introduction  

Section 2 | Preparing for a Presentation  

Section 3 | Delivering a Presentation  

Section 4 | Evaluating a Presentation  

Section 5 | Next Steps 

Learning Outcomes:  

  1. Identify the key Presentation Skills for Higher Education and working life. 
  2. Plan a presentation with suitable functionality and supporting information aimed at a specific audience. 
  3. Identify the important tips for delivering an effective presentation. 
  4. Explain how feedback and self-evaluation can be used to feedforward and improve the quality of your work.

 Academic Essay Writing 

The Academic Essay Writing module helps learners understand what they're being asked to write about when given an essay title. Plus, it provides planning and writing tips. The module is divided into the following sections and learning outcomes:

Section 1 | What is an Academic Essay

Section 2 | Understanding Essay Titles

Section 3 | Planning an Essay

Section 4 | Writing an Essay

Section 5 | Next Steps

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the skills needed to develop your academic essay writing.
  2. Analyse an essay title and identify the keywords.
  3. Plan and organise the structure of an essay and identify different sources of information.
  4. Identify different writing styles and explain how to develop an argument in an essay.

Study Skills

When studying at degree level, it is essential to create a healthy study, work and life balance to get the most out of learning. The Study Skills module is divided into the following sections and learning outcomes:

Section 1 | Setting Up For Success

Section 2 | Organisation and Time Management

Section 3 | Note Taking

Section 4 | Goal Setting, Motivation and Willpower

Section 5 | Memory Hacking and Study Tips

Section 6 | Next Steps

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain how you will be successful in your own learning considering how your personal circumstances may be a hindrance.
  2. Explain what is meant by ‘effective study’ and identify the difference between studying and revising.
  3. Identify the note-taking methods.
  4. Identify what motivates you and write your own SMART goals.
  5. Identify the short term and long terms memory approaches to effective learning.

Report Writing

As well as writing an academic essay, learners may be asked to write a report. This module is designed to explain the differences in planning and writing a report for a particular subject and is divided into the following sections and learning outcomes:

Section 1 | Understanding Reports

Section 2 | Planning a Report

Section 3 | Writing a Report

Section 4 | Next Steps

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the conventions and differences between report writing and essay writing.
  2. Explain why it is important to consider the 'audience' when writing a report and identify primary and secondary data.
  3. Identify the section structure in report writing.

Critical Analysis

Critical Thinking or being critical in your studies is arguably one of the most important academic study skills. This module focuses on what it means to be critical when reading and writing an assignment. Part of being critical is looking at how and what to look for from different sources and understanding how reliable the sources of information are. The Critical Analysis module is divided into the following sections and learning outcomes:

Section 1 | Critical Thinking and Analysis

Section 2 | Elements of Writing

Section 3 | Credible sources

Section 4 | Next Steps

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain what is meant by critical thinking in an academic context and identify the difference between descriptive and analytical writing.
  2. Identify the different elements of writing.
  3. Identify and explain credible sources.

Setting Targets and Reflective Practice

To aid their academic studies, learners must be able to reflect on what they've done and how they've approached previous projects. Factors like being aware of what makes them motivated and learning to achieve their goals through the setting of targets are all part of becoming a successful learner. The Setting Targets and Reflective Practice module is divided into the following sections and learning outcomes:

Section 1 | Understanding Goals and Targets

Section 2 | Creating Meaningful Goals and Targets

Section 3 | Being motivated and achieving your goals

Section 4 | Next Steps

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Know the difference between goals and targets and be able to define your own.
  2. Create your personal SMART goals.
  3. Create your own effective weekly planner and identify the importance of reflective practice.

Where to find the Academic Study Skills Suite

The Academic Study Skills suite can be found on the Open Awards eLearning Shop, home to an array of online learning resources, training webinars and eLearning courses. There is also a limited time, introductory discount available to approved Open Awards providers. If you would like to purchase this suite or any individual study skills modules, please click here.

We hope that you've enjoyed this post and please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our qualifications and how we can change lives through learning together. 

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